PSYC / dan, what were your ideas on chat again?
2004-06-07 09:18:31 UTC
Hello.. just as I posted some thoughts on leaving attachments at
the server and making use of friendship/trust structures for
whitelisting on de.org.ccc, I was pointed over here, and it's always
good to find out that DJB has had similar thoughts.

Hello IM2000 forum, hello Mr. Bernstein.

I am part of the PSYC development team, we are implementing a chat
and messaging technology which can easily do the notification bit
for IM2000, enhanced by our friendship network modeling to give a
trustiness indicator for unsolicited mails. Also multicasting vs
round robin is a plus when it comes to mailing lists, and we also
have a subscription system in the protocol. Our server comes with
a builtin TLS httpd (don't ask, it just happened), so we can even
provide the server side storage thing. Since most of our people
still use legacy clients like IRC, webchat or telnet, letting
"https" handle the final mail delivery looks like an ok option
and postpone native file transfer. Yes it looks like from our
starting point "IM2000" is a few weeks' work. Or at least a first
impression of IM2000. :)

But I really didn't want to elaborate too much on that and first ask
Dan something else: Can't remember if we actually wrote each other back
somewhere around 1991, or I only read your postings on improving IRC in
some newsgroup or mailing list, but I can remember you had a nice
collection of points to criticize about IRC.. I would like to look at
that from our PSYC standpoint of today and see if we solved all the
issues you pointed at. Do you still have those posts anywhere?
Back then all the old-fashioned IRC chaps were flaming at you, but I
remember you had several good points there, which gave me the feeling
I was heading the right way by designing a new chat technology. Too
bad it took me a dozen years to get it straight.

Rock'n regards from Carlo von Loesch, Berlin.
symlynX » psyc://***@symlynX.com » irc://ve.symlynX.com/PSYC
network chat technology since 1988 » http://psyc.pages.de
for a truly private chat » https://ve.symlynX.com:34443/LynX/