RNAQP questions
Erich Rickheit KSC
2005-02-16 22:00:52 UTC
I'm looking at
If this isn't current, please correct me and ignore this message.

I'm only lightly familiar with ASN.1, so these might be misunderstandings
on my part; please correct me.

ResponseStatus has two errornotauthenticated possibilties, 3, and
7; I assume this is a typo?

responsedata in Response doesn't have ResponseRetrieveAndClear as a choice.

What is the purpose of the sender filed in Notification? this appears
to correspond to the line

the (publically visible) name of the originator of the message;

in Architecture/rnaqp.html, but I'm not sure I understand the purpose
of this. Doesn't it represent "a trivial covert channel" for senders
to stuff their message into?

