MSOAP questions
Erich Rickheit KSC
2005-02-16 22:04:49 UTC
I'm looking at
If this isn't current, please correct me and ignore this message.

I'm only lightly familiar with ASN.1, so these might be misunderstandings
on my part; please correct me.

What is the purpose of offset in CommandSubmitMsgChunk? Wouldn't a
client just keep sending the next chunk, setting islast on the last
chunk, and the server just append them?

If the offset is meant to be a chunk number, what is the advantage
to allow chunks to be sent out of order? It seems this creates the
possibilty of chunks being undefined, a wierd error condition not
possible if chunks are sent in strict order.

If the offset is meant to be a octet offset (which seems more
likely), is the intent to allow clients to reconnect after a network
failure and store the remainder of their message? But it can't be,
cause CommandSubmitMsgChunk doesn't include an identifier. Wouldn't
this create the possibilty that messages are edited after they are
posted? Or is this intended as a feature?

