Just Wondering...
James Craig Burley
2004-04-13 15:58:36 UTC
"Sure is quiet out there."

"Yeah, too quiet."

(Or did I unsubscribe myself from the list and not remember doing it?
Can't seem to find an up-to-date archive....)
James Craig Burley
Software Craftsperson
Casey Allen Shobe
2004-04-13 16:42:26 UTC
Post by James Craig Burley
"Sure is quiet out there."
"Yeah, too quiet."
Yes it is, but you're still on the list. I wonder what the status of
IM2000 is, since I've only seen 5 posts in the "a new version of
maildir" thread.
Casey Allen Shobe | http://casey.allen.shobe.info
***@osss.net | ICQ: 1494523 | AIM: SomeLinuxGuy
Open Source Software Solutions | http://osss.net
Shae Matijs Erisson
2004-04-13 16:37:12 UTC
Post by James Craig Burley
"Sure is quiet out there."
"Yeah, too quiet."
(Or did I unsubscribe myself from the list and not remember doing it?
Can't seem to find an up-to-date archive....)
I just subscribed, haven't been able to find an archive either, and didn't
really want to request the messages one at a time. If there is an archive, I'd
like to have the link.

Anyway, I had this same idea completely independently, Darius Bacon pointed me
to this project.

Are there any implementations, full or partial?

I haven't seen any details for an implementation, so I've been slowly writing
my own in Haskell.

Here's what I wrote before I knew about this project, how does it differ from
im2000? I would appreciate any suggestions for improvement.

I'm convinced there's a better way to do email.

In short, Only send 80 char max notifications, and make the sender keep the
email on their own server for the receiver to go get by himself.

The problem with spam is that once it's in the system, it's totally trusted,
and the system bears the cost of transport and storage.
If you shift the cost to the sender, spam won't be economically viable.
If spammers have to hold spam on their own servers, the servers will quickly be
found out and blacklisted.
The greatest benefit is that real geeks like us will shutdown or blacklist spam
server before grandma and joe q. public do their weekly email check.

Q: What about Spammed Notifications?
A: will still be an improvement over full spam emails, and takes a lot less
time to download.

Q: Will mailing list servers require lots of extra space?
A: not if you consider them mailing list archives as well.

Q: How does this work for the average user that has an account with an ISP?
A: You send your email to your ISP via SMTP, just as always. Your email remains
there on the server, and the server sends a notification to the final
destination. The final destination then chooses when it wants to pick up the
mail from the ISP's server.

As for receiving email, your client will need to pick up from many different
POP3 servers, rather than just picking up from one as now.

User Stories:

A Spammer registers an account with an ISP, and sends lots of Spam.
Result: That spam remains on the server until the spammer uses up their storage
quota and flags the sysadmin (who should immediately kill the account and any
non-picked up spam)
Or the public blacklists list the ***@host once the first few spams have been
picked up, and that ***@host is not accepted by clients that check blacklists.

A spammer sets up their own server, and sends lots of Spam.
Result: the server is listed in the public blacklists, and is not accepted by
clients that check blacklists.

A spammer tries to forge an email sender.
Result: your client can't pick up an email from a server that doesn't exist.
Shae Erisson - putStr $ fix("HELLO\n"++) - http://www.ScannedInAvian.org/
OSDir: Community building... interesting... what's the secret sauce?
Limi: Irresponsible sleep patterns.
-- Alexander Limi, one of the Plone founders http://osdir.com/Article199.phtml
Casey Allen Shobe
2004-04-13 17:42:09 UTC
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
A: You send your email to your ISP via SMTP, just as always.
As for receiving email, your client will need to pick up from many different
POP3 servers, rather than just picking up from one as now.
Would POP3 really be appropriate for this? I think the mailserver
should handle picking up the mail, by no means your client - this would
make server-side mail storage impossible (or stupidly difficult, at
least)! And while SMTP could exist for compatibility, I'd like to see
it die off.

I don't know much about IM2000 yet, but as you I have some thoughts on
how to better manage mail delivery, and ended up finding IM2000.

Let's consider the situation of my average client, who uses an IMAP
server. Ideally, they'd just keep using the IMAP (or similar protocol)
server, and for compatibility I could even keep an SMTP server on the
internal interface until all of their clients supported QMTPS or
something. Using POP3 is not an option, and receiving any mail not
delivered to the mail server itself (i.e. fetchmail) is not an option.
Every message is stored on the mail server, such that it is included in
a nightly backup, versus their workstation which they probably never
back up.

Anyways, user logs in, composes a mail, dispatching it to the server for
delivery by whatever method, and there it remains until the recipient
picks it up. Notifications could be sent as you suggested, but these
should not be visible to the user, rather the mailserver should simply
recieve them, and decide whether to pick up the mail or tell the remote
mailserver to delete it without downloading based on any rules you define.

When approved, this mail would be transported from the sending server to
the recieving, and delivered to his mail folders as qmail does now.

It would be great if there were a maildir folder for the outbox, then
the user could simply look in his Outbox to see any messages that had
not yet been delivered. Instead of Sent, there could be Delivered.

For the power user, I suppose notification decisions could be deferred
to the user, and await their response before making a decision whether
or not to pick up the mail. This would just be too much time and hassle
for me I think, as I receive a lot of mail. On the other hand, a single
approval per mailing list would be all that would be required for
receiving mailing list posts.

The biggest annoyance now is that E-mail is transferred across the
internet in plaintext, even if I'm a good responsible admin and make all
my users use IMAPS and SMTPS+AUTH. There is no way I can receive mail
via SSL, nor send to remote servers via SSL unless I'm really clever and
look up their MX and check for a secure service and deliver directly to
them. Ideally the transport method in IM2000 would be flexible, such
that it could be expanded upon or replaced over time. It could
advertise what it supports, and I could choose priority in what I support.

In today's world, this would be equivalent to me send a mail to my qmail
server, and qmail asking the destination server what it supports. When
it replied with SMTPS;QMTP;SMTP, and my qmail supported all of these,
the mail wolud be retrieved with SMTPS, or by following whatever order
of priority I have set. If I set the priority to QMTP;SMTPS;SMTP
instead, QMTP would be used if the server supported it. I could even
disallow insecure communication entirely by removing QMTP and SMTP from
the priority list.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
Result: the server is listed in the public blacklists, and is not accepted by
clients that check blacklists.
Public blacklists are taken for granted, but you can not rely on them.
In some scenarios, communication with them may be impossible, they will
of course change over time, and it consumes extra bandwidth.

As you accepted or rejected messages, if you did it manually, you could
form your own blacklists and whitelists. If this were left up to an
automated process, you could drop a message that turned out to be spam
in a spam folder, and the mail server would learn that it should reject
messages from that account.

But I'm not really sure that's the best way either, and frankly I'm not
sure what the best way to keep spam from being delivered without relying
on public servers would be.

I'd be very interested in seeing any design documents or discussion on
these matters, or IM2000 in general. How far away is it from being a
prime time protocol?
Casey Allen Shobe | http://casey.allen.shobe.info
***@osss.net | ICQ: 1494523 | AIM: SomeLinuxGuy
Open Source Software Solutions | http://osss.net
James Craig Burley
2004-04-13 17:41:30 UTC
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
Post by James Craig Burley
"Sure is quiet out there."
"Yeah, too quiet."
(Or did I unsubscribe myself from the list and not remember doing it?
Can't seem to find an up-to-date archive....)
I just subscribed, haven't been able to find an archive either, and didn't
really want to request the messages one at a time. If there is an archive, I'd
like to have the link.
Me too. Maybe I'll put my own archives of im2000 (mostly saved just
my own) up on my web site someday.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
In short, Only send 80 char max notifications, and make the sender keep the
email on their own server for the receiver to go get by himself.
JdBP sez "no covert channels", other than that, you're describing a
"pull" system, which is one of the main distinguishing features of
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
The problem with spam is that once it's in the system, it's totally trusted,
and the system bears the cost of transport and storage.
If you shift the cost to the sender, spam won't be economically viable.
That remains to be seen; wish the im2000 discussions on this were
available! But it is generally agreed that there is no real way to
stop UCE (spam), UBE (which includes political and other advocacy), or
vermin (viruses, trojan horses, worms), so slowing it down by making
sending bulk mail to recipients who are *generally* uninterested in
reading it seems a reasonable way to target the problem.

So you're still on the im2000 track here.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
If spammers have to hold spam on their own servers, the servers will quickly be
found out and blacklisted.
That's a big "if"; spammers can exploit hijacked machines (zombies),
which is how lots of UCE and vermin get distributed *today*.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
The greatest benefit is that real geeks like us will shutdown or blacklist spam
server before grandma and joe q. public do their weekly email check.
Perhaps. It's not clear this can't be done with the present system,
by simply deleting locally stored (push-style-delivery, or SMTP) email
that meets criteria for newly discovered UCE/UBE/vermin sources,

In particular, how a site gets onto any blacklist seems to depend
mightily on *somebody* retrieving a message stored on that site and
deciding it's UCE, UBE, or vermin, and that somebody somehow
convincing a blacklist manager to take action based on their claim.

Since those are currently among the weakest points of today's
push-style (SMTP) system, I remain unconvinced im2000 will make for a
substantial improvement in this area.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
Q: What about Spammed Notifications?
A: will still be an improvement over full spam emails, and takes a lot less
time to download.
Yup. However, spammers and vermin authors will soon learn how to make
up 80-character subject lines (assuming your model) that are very
convincing. People (and their MUAs) will ultimately have to base
their decisions on the sender and recipient addresses, plus attributes
of delivery such as injecting system (today's SMTP client), message
store (today's SMTP relay), and very little else.

Based on all that, if they don't reliably detect spam "often enough"
before fetching the message, im2000 has not only failed them in its
most distinguishing pull-style characteristic, it has made the entire
transaction more expensive (than a new push-style system, if not than
SMTP itself) for pretty much everybody.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
Q: Will mailing list servers require lots of extra space?
A: not if you consider them mailing list archives as well.
A big plus IMO. JdBP covers mailing lists on his web site.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
Q: How does this work for the average user that has an account with an ISP?
A: You send your email to your ISP via SMTP, just as always. Your email remains
there on the server, and the server sends a notification to the final
destination. The final destination then chooses when it wants to pick up the
mail from the ISP's server.
That's im2000 all right.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
As for receiving email, your client will need to pick up from many different
POP3 servers, rather than just picking up from one as now.
Not necessarily POP3 servers, perhaps not even possible with them, not
sure offhand. Surely shims could work, but whether these would have
to be im2000->shim->SMTP->POP3, I don't know offhand.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
A Spammer registers an account with an ISP, and sends lots of Spam.
Result: That spam remains on the server until the spammer uses up their storage
quota and flags the sysadmin (who should immediately kill the account and any
non-picked up spam)
A spammer sets up their own server, and sends lots of Spam.
Result: the server is listed in the public blacklists, and is not accepted by
clients that check blacklists.
These two aren't necessarily all that different from what can be (and
often is, on an ad-hoc basis) done today.
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
A spammer tries to forge an email sender.
Result: your client can't pick up an email from a server that doesn't exist.
That's a big advantage of im2000. Although, I think you mean "tries
to forge an outgoing message store"; im2000 per se doesn't really
"care" about the identity of an email *sender*, or does it?

The potentially-big disadvantages of im2000 include:

- So many people accustomed to "instant" message-content
availability that there will be widespread configuring of local
message agents to automatically transfer incoming messages to
local stores anyway. Spammers won't have to pay after all.

(If the transfers are cache, or prefetch-style, then the messages
stay in two places at once. That punishes spammers more, but
punishes end users just as much as SMTP.)

- Adoption requires SMTP compatibility (JdBP's "shims", I think he
calls them), but breaks a crucial SMTP feature, namely, bounces.

IMO if "we" are allowed to "break" SMTP's bounce feature, why
don't we just do that *now* and see how it goes? We'd save $$$$$
on all the joe jobs out there as the breakage is implemented, in
favor of sender-side polling or success-only notification or

- For true pull-style delivery to work, system must basically
assume no DNS caching is available or will work consistently,
since there will be insufficient locality of reference to make
caching useful. So, expect long delays reading email as DNS
lookups of arbitrary incoming domain names are needed to retrieve
message contents. (Today's DNS already likely taking a big hit
due to anti-UBE measures in email, and it'll likely get worse as
SPF and similar facilities get deployed.)

- Given the above, is the huge cost of a rollout of a new email
system that makes *two* major changes to everyone's assumptions
about email works justifiable? (Pull-style delivery is one
assumption; eliminating receipient-side notification of delivery
status, aka DSNs or bounces, in favor of sender-side polling, is

My prediction: as multiple im2000 prototypes are rolled out,
enthusiasts will switch over to it, well, enthusiastically. Some will
drop or effectively "tarpit" their incoming SMTP email, increasing the
balkanization of the Internet. (Last I checked, I couldn't email
anyone at dsl.net, even via my upstream ISP, so SMTP email is already
suffering from this phenomenon.)

For awhile, there will be rejoicing in the im2000 camp until the early
adopters are joined by the big corporations, who will run roughshod
over the "rules" to ensure their own users will have a satisfying
"experience", e.g. by always retrieving or at least caching incoming
email for them.

At some point in that timeframe, spammers and verminware authors will
target (like never before, if they have played around with it before)
im2000, exploiting its weaknesses *as deployed*, which will include
weaknesses im2000's designers are currently assuming won't exist (just
as SMTP's authors didn't envision today's balkanized SMTP
implementation worldwide). For example, "pink contracts" between
owners of outgoing message stores and spammers will mean that users
will have to choose, just as they do today, how aggressively they'll
block potentially legitimate email in the hopes of blocking
well-disguised spam and vermin.

The result will be that we'll have at least two major incompatible
means of sending email (SMTP, for people who refuse to or cannot
upgrade, plus im2000), both of which are under attack by spammers,
both of which are inherently incapable of withstanding such attacks,
and we'll wonder why we spent so much $$ to get to that point.

That's assuming early protoypes prove workable. With proper up-front
research, such as simulations using tiny DNS caches on a
mini-Internet, it might be quickly learned that the DNS cache problem
and typical network latencies *will* lead to an unacceptable end-user
experience, such that "real people" will refuse to use im2000 because
it's "too slow reading mail".
James Craig Burley
Software Craftsperson
Clemens Fischer
2004-06-01 15:18:15 UTC
Post by James Craig Burley
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
If spammers have to hold spam on their own servers, the servers will
quickly be found out and blacklisted.
That's a big "if"; spammers can exploit hijacked machines (zombies),
which is how lots of UCE and vermin get distributed *today*.
how do i exploit a hijacked machine for im2k? i'd have to store spam
there and have it send notifications. the receiver would have to ignore
the contents of this notification and download the piece from the hijacked
Post by James Craig Burley
In particular, how a site gets onto any blacklist seems to depend
mightily on *somebody* retrieving a message stored on that site and
deciding it's UCE, UBE, or vermin, and that somebody somehow convincing a
blacklist manager to take action based on their claim.
Since those are currently among the weakest points of today's push-style
(SMTP) system, I remain unconvinced im2000 will make for a substantial
improvement in this area.
note that only few people will deliberatly download spam, so few
mail-stores will be nominated in the first place.
Post by James Craig Burley
Yup. However, spammers and vermin authors will soon learn how to make up
80-character subject lines (assuming your model) that are very
convincing. People (and their MUAs) will ultimately have to base their
decisions on the sender and recipient addresses, plus attributes of
delivery such as injecting system (today's SMTP client), message store
(today's SMTP relay), and very little else.
what should be part of a notification, then? note that real spammers will
continue to use non-existent email addresses, so { subject, from, to, date,
X}, with X beeing a user negotiated set of message headers, might already
be enough to distinguish spam from ham.

but please, by all means go ahead and propose the headers you need.
Post by James Craig Burley
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
As for receiving email, your client will need to pick up from many
different POP3 servers, rather than just picking up from one as now.
Not necessarily POP3 servers, perhaps not even possible with them, not
sure offhand. Surely shims could work, but whether these would have to
be im2000->shim->SMTP->POP3, I don't know offhand.
anonymous POP servers are allright for mailinglists. see paul jarcs
http://multivac.cwru.edu/posterity/ (URL has problems!).
Post by James Craig Burley
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
A spammer tries to forge an email sender. Result: your client can't pick
up an email from a server that doesn't exist.
That's a big advantage of im2000. Although, I think you mean "tries to
forge an outgoing message store"; im2000 per se doesn't really "care"
about the identity of an email *sender*, or does it?
yes it does. im2k message are supposed to be authenticated by a (possibly
PGP) key.
Post by James Craig Burley
- So many people accustomed to "instant" message-content
availability that there will be widespread configuring of local
message agents to automatically transfer incoming messages to
local stores anyway. Spammers won't have to pay after all.
surely you would configure IMs not to do the job of MTAs. but IMs and
MTAs might converge, they might both become capable of some negotiation
Post by James Craig Burley
- Adoption requires SMTP compatibility (JdBP's "shims", I think he
calls them), but breaks a crucial SMTP feature, namely, bounces.
IMO if "we" are allowed to "break" SMTP's bounce feature, why
don't we just do that *now* and see how it goes? We'd save $$$$$
on all the joe jobs out there as the breakage is implemented, in
favor of sender-side polling or success-only notification or
bounces are no longer a crucial feature: you either download a message or
you don't, period.
Post by James Craig Burley
- For true pull-style delivery to work, system must basically
assume no DNS caching is available or will work consistently,
since there will be insufficient locality of reference to make
caching useful. So, expect long delays reading email as DNS
lookups of arbitrary incoming domain names are needed to retrieve
message contents. (Today's DNS already likely taking a big hit
due to anti-UBE measures in email, and it'll likely get worse as
SPF and similar facilities get deployed.)
- Given the above, is the huge cost of a rollout of a new email
system that makes *two* major changes to everyone's assumptions
about email works justifiable? (Pull-style delivery is one
assumption; eliminating receipient-side notification of delivery
status, aka DSNs or bounces, in favor of sender-side polling, is
this is nonsense. there are no bounces and DNS doesn't change.
Post by James Craig Burley
At some point in that timeframe, spammers and verminware authors will
target (like never before, if they have played around with it before)
im2000, exploiting its weaknesses *as deployed*, which will include
weaknesses im2000's designers are currently assuming won't exist (just as
SMTP's authors didn't envision today's balkanized SMTP implementation
worldwide). For example, "pink contracts" between owners of outgoing
message stores and spammers will mean that users will have to choose,
just as they do today, how aggressively they'll block potentially
legitimate email in the hopes of blocking well-disguised spam and vermin.
understand that you don't "block" email, you just don't download it.
Post by James Craig Burley
That's assuming early protoypes prove workable. With proper up-front
research, such as simulations using tiny DNS caches on a mini-Internet,
it might be quickly learned that the DNS cache problem and typical
network latencies *will* lead to an unacceptable end-user experience,
such that "real people" will refuse to use im2000 because it's "too slow
reading mail".
this is pure speculation.

James Craig Burley
2004-06-01 21:32:16 UTC
Post by Clemens Fischer
Post by James Craig Burley
Yup. However, spammers and vermin authors will soon learn how to make up
80-character subject lines (assuming your model) that are very
convincing. People (and their MUAs) will ultimately have to base their
decisions on the sender and recipient addresses, plus attributes of
delivery such as injecting system (today's SMTP client), message store
(today's SMTP relay), and very little else.
what should be part of a notification, then? note that real spammers will
continue to use non-existent email addresses, so { subject, from, to, date,
X}, with X beeing a user negotiated set of message headers, might already
be enough to distinguish spam from ham.
Which recurses to the problem we have today of automated content-based
spam detection (e.g. Bayesian filters).
Post by Clemens Fischer
but please, by all means go ahead and propose the headers you need.
Though it seems like ages since I wrote that, I believe at the time I
was actually pointing in a different direction -- towards JdBP's im2k
proposal, which prohibits things like a "Subject:" header in a

That is: { To: From: Date: }, tightly controlled fields, and nothing
else (aside from the necessary glue, e.g. message store identifier,
not normally shown to end users).

I'm not sure whether that'd be sufficiently practical to work, but
it'd largely eliminate the problem of "covert channels" that JdBP
rightly describes on his web site.
Post by Clemens Fischer
Post by James Craig Burley
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
A spammer tries to forge an email sender. Result: your client can't pick
up an email from a server that doesn't exist.
That's a big advantage of im2000. Although, I think you mean "tries to
forge an outgoing message store"; im2000 per se doesn't really "care"
about the identity of an email *sender*, or does it?
yes it does. im2k message are supposed to be authenticated by a (possibly
PGP) key.
Really? That's news to me.

But, then, why not just authenticate SMTP messages? In fact, aren't
people doing that *now*? Couldn't we then just slowly migrate to that
model, if it's sufficiently useful?
Post by Clemens Fischer
Post by James Craig Burley
- Adoption requires SMTP compatibility (JdBP's "shims", I think he
calls them), but breaks a crucial SMTP feature, namely, bounces.
IMO if "we" are allowed to "break" SMTP's bounce feature, why
don't we just do that *now* and see how it goes? We'd save $$$$$
on all the joe jobs out there as the breakage is implemented, in
favor of sender-side polling or success-only notification or
bounces are no longer a crucial feature: you either download a message or
you don't, period.
Then we can migrate away from *SMTP* bounces, independently of
migrating towards anything like im2k, correct?

The point is, if we can do *that*, and it saves sufficient resources
presently being consumed by spam and vermin (and, for my part,
incoming misdirected bounce messages probably account for at least 75%
of my total email load), why spend all the extra time and money trying
to migrate everyone to im2k?
Post by Clemens Fischer
Post by James Craig Burley
- Given the above, is the huge cost of a rollout of a new email
system that makes *two* major changes to everyone's assumptions
about email works justifiable? (Pull-style delivery is one
assumption; eliminating receipient-side notification of delivery
status, aka DSNs or bounces, in favor of sender-side polling, is
this is nonsense. there are no bounces and DNS doesn't change.
First, the fact that there are no bounces is important: people will
see two *major* differences between their SMTP and im2k emailing

1. Additional delays reading incoming messages.

2. No bounce messages for outgoing messages that are undeliverable.

Second, I was talking about DSNs, "Delivery Status Notifications", not

Right now, we can (AFAICT) only speculate about the effects #s 1 and 2
will have on the viability of any new email system.

But we can explore the implications of #2 by migrating away from
bounces in SMTP, which appears to be the inevitable result of the
Internet migrating towards a JdBP-like im2k system (i.e. with SMTP
shims) anyway, except with much less overhead.

(The promised payoff for rolling out im2k is, of course:

3. Permanent, significant reduction in incoming spam and vermin.

Whether that materializes is central to the debate over whether im2k
*should* be rolled out, especially to the issue of whether SMTP email
can or should be improved pending, or in conjunction with, im2k
Post by Clemens Fischer
Post by James Craig Burley
At some point in that timeframe, spammers and verminware authors will
target (like never before, if they have played around with it before)
im2000, exploiting its weaknesses *as deployed*, which will include
weaknesses im2000's designers are currently assuming won't exist (just as
SMTP's authors didn't envision today's balkanized SMTP implementation
worldwide). For example, "pink contracts" between owners of outgoing
message stores and spammers will mean that users will have to choose,
just as they do today, how aggressively they'll block potentially
legitimate email in the hopes of blocking well-disguised spam and vermin.
understand that you don't "block" email, you just don't download it.
From an end-user point of view, there's really no difference: their
MUA (or some further entity acting as an agent for the user) decides
whether to make the notification and probably the email contents
themselves known to the end user.

So an automated im2k-based system that helps end users avoid reading
messages that are stored at likely spam/vermin sites will also avoid
notifying those users of such messages. To those users, the effect
should be the same as if the messages were blocked under today's SMTP

(If the end user sees notifications without message contents and has
to decide whether to "click" on them to "download" the messages, then
the system will fail for many end users who'd get so much spam and
vermin that they'd tire of trying to make those decisions themselves,
but who aren't particularly burdened by having the message contents
already downloaded and thus immediately available on their behalf.
I'm exactly that sort of user; im2k benefits me hardly at all as a
*reader* of email, because I'd rather have all the message contents
available on my own machine for immediate reading when I pull up my
MUA, so it might as well have come in via SMTP and save the extra
overhead. im2k would help users who want to avoid the expense of
downloading message content they can easily deem as "unwanted" based
solely on the message notifications themselves. I don't know whether
there's a large-enough audience for that. But I love im2k's promise
of no more bounces, as an MTA admin!)
Post by Clemens Fischer
Post by James Craig Burley
That's assuming early protoypes prove workable. With proper up-front
research, such as simulations using tiny DNS caches on a mini-Internet,
it might be quickly learned that the DNS cache problem and typical
network latencies *will* lead to an unacceptable end-user experience,
such that "real people" will refuse to use im2000 because it's "too slow
reading mail".
this is pure speculation.
Please clarify which of the following you mean by "this":

- DNS depends on caching to work sufficiently well.

- DNS caching relies on locality of reference (that is, repeated
lookups over a smallish set of all potential domain names).

- im2k's pull-based retrieval of email *guarantees* at least one DNS
lookup based on an arbitrary domain name per message retrieved from
a mail store.

- Sufficiently frequent notifications delivered to a site, using
arbitrary domain names for message stores, could lead to that site's
DNS cache losing performance, since the names being looked up will
not exhibit sufficient locality of reference to keep the cache
hit rate high enough to avoid upstream ("miss") lookups.

- Sufficiently frequent upstream ("miss") lookups from a variety
of systems under this form of attack could lead to substantial
latencies for DNS lookups.

- Sufficiently large latencies for DNS lookups would make reading
incoming im2k emails very painful, and (unless distinct caches
were employed) make other sorts of activities, like pulling up
web pages, very painful as well, because each time a user sees a
message notification and requests the content, a DNS lookup is
required to find the message store.

I believe we are already seeing plenty of evidence for this scenario,
although these are *somewhat* different cases (which spammers
naturally attack in appropriately different ways).

Specifically, I'm thinking of the various RBLs people use. They, like
im2k, rely on DNS lookups for each incoming piece of mail. And, like
I think im2k would end up being when attacked, they result in
substantial delays, sometimes deferred email, though I admit some of
those situations involve a large portion of incoming email that does
not require those lookups but they are done anyway as a matter of
course. After all, if us regular joes can lookup addresses in those
RBLs, why can't spammers do so in order to dDOS these centralized data

For the IPv4 address space, spammers can exploit only a portion of the
< 4 billion potential addresses.

For domain names -- upon which all im2k message retrievals are likely
to depend -- spammers need not exploit even .00001% of the nearly
infinite range of possible addresses in order to force any DNS cache
used by a system they're attacking to thrash, making im2k pretty much
unusable by its end users.

Try as I might, I can't think of any countermeasure that doesn't
simply recurse to being identical to the measures being employed
*today* to combat spam and vermin (under the SMTP regime).

(I see the same potential problems with any system depending on
lookups of arbitrary external data bases to determine trustworthiness:
SPF, DomainKeys, etc. As end-user-invoked means to make those
determinations, i.e. after other forms of filtering are done, they
should be quite useful; as currently advocated, though, they are
invoked automatically for each incoming email, which hands spammers an
attack vector AFAICT.)

Again, the proposed model could, and should, be tested in "miniature":
10K DNS caches instead of 10M, for example, then subject to various
forms of attack to see how the system behaves.

So, I remain of the opinion that im2k would probably be a wonderful
option to have available for emailing people who use it, and I applaud
anyone who devotes time and energy to producing it (especially
well-done free implementations of it)...

...but, as a replacement for SMTP email based on the idea that it'll
substantially reduce spam and vermin and the costs associated
therewith, I remain convinced that it won't justify the expense of
rollout (even given free implementations).

It should have a wonderful initial honeymoon, but once it includes a
sufficiently wide audience of adoptees, it'll become the target of

(There have been times, recently, when I considered that im2k, mainly,
pull-style delivery, would be preferable to push-style when it comes
to some mailing lists. So I'm serious about it being a useful option.
I'd prefer we design and roll out a new system offering a wider range
of transport, delivery, and notification options; but I think I've
said that before and it wouldn't *be*, even though it would "subsume",
James Craig Burley
Software Craftsperson
Peter J. Holzer
2004-06-02 03:01:52 UTC
Post by James Craig Burley
Though it seems like ages since I wrote that, I believe at the time I
was actually pointing in a different direction -- towards JdBP's im2k
proposal, which prohibits things like a "Subject:" header in a
That is: { To: From: Date: }, tightly controlled fields, and nothing
else (aside from the necessary glue, e.g. message store identifier,
not normally shown to end users).
I agree with that.
Post by James Craig Burley
Post by Clemens Fischer
Post by James Craig Burley
Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
A spammer tries to forge an email sender. Result: your client can't pick
up an email from a server that doesn't exist.
That's a big advantage of im2000. Although, I think you mean "tries to
forge an outgoing message store"; im2000 per se doesn't really "care"
about the identity of an email *sender*, or does it?
yes it does. im2k message are supposed to be authenticated by a (possibly
PGP) key.
Really? That's news to me.
But, then, why not just authenticate SMTP messages? In fact, aren't
people doing that *now*?
Yes, but only a few.
Post by James Craig Burley
Couldn't we then just slowly migrate to that
model, if it's sufficiently useful?
Not without help from Microsoft.

The large majority of users are using either Outlook or Outlook Express.
These mailers don't support PGP out of the box, and S/MIME is awkward
to set up (You have to generate a certificate request, send it to a CA,
prove your identity, wait for the certificate, import the certificate).

So most people won't use it. And if most people don't use it, you cannot
filter on it. End of story.

On im2k, however, there is no installed base which has to be convinced
to switch. Build cryptographic signatures into the protocol and
everybody will have to use it.

The notification should contain To:, From:, Date;, the message store
identifier, a hash of the message and be signed with the private key of
the sender.

Then the recipient's agent can check whether the notification is consistent
(signature matches content, and key owner matches from) when the
notification is received and discard all forged notifications without
retrieving the content or bothering the user. If the notification is
consistent, the message will be retrieved and compared to the hash in
the notification. Only if this compares ok, the message is shown to the

So what prevents a spammer from signing his messages? Nothing. But a web
of trust can be used to determine whether a given address is likely to
send "interesting" messages to a recipient. I wrote up my ideas about
that matter some time ago:


_ | Peter J. Holzer | I think we need two definitions:
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR | 1) The problem the *users* want us to solve
| | | ***@hjp.at | 2) The problem our solution addresses.
__/ | http://www.hjp.at/ | -- Phillip Hallam-Baker on spam
Steve Dodd
2004-04-13 18:09:55 UTC
Post by James Craig Burley
(Or did I unsubscribe myself from the list and not remember doing it?
Can't seem to find an up-to-date archive....)
Last time I checked, Gmane <http://www.gmane.org/> archived it.
Home+FOAF: http://www.loth.org.uk/ OpenPGP: 201A57B6
Original portions © 2004 Steve Dodd
Appreciated this message?: http://www.loth.org.uk/tipjar/

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise
of fighting a foreign enemy" -- James Madison
James Craig Burley
2004-04-13 22:54:59 UTC
Post by Steve Dodd
Post by James Craig Burley
(Or did I unsubscribe myself from the list and not remember doing it?
Can't seem to find an up-to-date archive....)
Last time I checked, Gmane <http://www.gmane.org/> archived it.
Thanks -- specifically:


Indeed, things were quiet on the list for a few weeks.
James Craig Burley
Software Craftsperson