List activity / archive message ID
Brian Candler
2005-03-24 12:09:10 UTC

Anyone here? According to the archive at
there have been only three postings since June last year.

There's the ezmlm archive, but I don't have the high watermark; sending to
im2000-***@list.cr.yp.to just tells me (unhelpfully) that there's no
such message. And no, I don't see why I should have to do a binary chop :-)


Harald Hanche-Olsen
2005-03-24 12:30:37 UTC
+ Brian Candler <***@pobox.com>:

| Anyone here?


| According to the archive at
| http://news.gmane.org/gmane.mail.im2000/
| there have been only three postings since June last year.

Yes, three this February. There was a slight flurry last June, and
then silence.

| There's the ezmlm archive, but I don't have the high watermark; sending to
| im2000-***@list.cr.yp.to just tells me (unhelpfully) that there's no
| such message. And no, I don't see why I should have to do a binary chop :-)

No need to. Just check the envelope sender on your own message to the
list. It should show as follows:

Return-Path: <im2000-return-1608-***@list.cr.yp.to>

where ... is your subscription address. So the high water mark is
1608. Or 1609 in just a few moments.

- Harald
Marc W. Mengel
2005-03-24 15:10:43 UTC
Post by Brian Candler
Anyone here? According to the archive at
there have been only three postings since June last year.
I'm not surprized.

The horse carcass is covered with sufficient boot-prints...
Brian Candler
2005-03-24 16:12:26 UTC
Post by Marc W. Mengel
Post by Brian Candler
Anyone here? According to the archive at
there have been only three postings since June last year.
I'm not surprized.
The horse carcass is covered with sufficient boot-prints...
Maybe I shall take my whip elsewhere then...

Thanks all.

Shae Matijs Erisson
2005-03-24 15:56:32 UTC
Does anyone have a partial or full implementation of im2000?

I came up with a similar idea independently, after which someone told me about
this list. I'd like to see some code, and discuss the details.

The only obstacle I see is that the existing email system is so heavily
entrenched it would probably be easier to do something totally different like
IPv6 multicast notifications.
Programming is the Magic Executable Fridge Poetry, | www.ScannedInAvian.com
It is machines made of thought, fueled by ideas. | -- Shae Matijs Erisson
John Pritchard
2005-03-24 17:52:17 UTC
Any interest in looking into/ discussing/ an XML solution inline with
Liberty (hard definition of identity)? While I'm as much an anti-fan of
XML as anyone out there, life is a river. [i.e. REST, not SOAPfuscation].

Daniel has established good protocols. The reader ends up having a lot
in common (almost identical to) an RSS (et al) reader.

Perhaps this list has a good group for producing a well defined problem
+ solution and a tight, clear spec.

I agree that a clean break is most interesting. Postel's world was
utterly foreign to this one. Although SMTP notifications are vaguely

I disagree that multicast is interesting. While theory is perfect,
practice is absurd relative to a spec. Perhaps in software it's
plausible, but an alternative email system has to win as a brilliantly
simple spec, hence the strength of Postel's products. It should be
readily implemented on a cell phone, for example.

Post by Shae Matijs Erisson
Does anyone have a partial or full implementation of im2000?
I came up with a similar idea independently, after which someone told me about
this list. I'd like to see some code, and discuss the details.
The only obstacle I see is that the existing email system is so heavily
entrenched it would probably be easier to do something totally different like
IPv6 multicast notifications.